Tuesday, December 2

Earthquake and Education

Well this morning Nic and I experienced our first earthquake - and hopefully our last! It wasn't a bad one at all - we could feel that we were moving though and nothing fell or moved in our apartment, would could see our fan swaying back and forth. It was an eerie feeling! We looked at each other and said - Is this an earthquake? It was definitely an experience.

In other great news, I received news this morning that I was accepted into the Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Literacy program, through the University of Missouri. I will be working on this Masters Degree online but it should be great for me in helping me to progress in my career, to help increase earning potential in the future, and to keep me updated on the world of Education as I am taking a brief hiatus. I also believe that as an educator I should always be seeking to further develop myself and to learn more. I am very excited about this opportunity at this time in life. God is good and He has opened this door. Now I need to figure out how many classes my schedule will allow me to take at a time - I'm hoping to be finished the program in a year and a half. Classes will start on January 20th officially so I should be enrolling in the courses shortly!

The temperature has warmed up bit, which has been a nice change for us, especially as it can be cold on the scooter, particularly at night.

That's the update from Taiwan for now. Ooh - and we decorated our apartment for Christmas! It was great - I made cookies, we drank hot chocolate, decorated and listened to Christmas music. :) Check out the photos on Facebook.

Ok - that's it. For now. :)

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